Hi! I'm Amanda... a wife, mom, and follower of Jesus. 

The pursuit of physical and spiritual wellness can be, well, exhausting. But should it be, and how do we find a balance? 

I've wrestled with those questions a lot. To seek clarity and help others do the same, I studied and trained to become a certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and a fitness instructor.  Through God's grace, I was able to share my heart and lessons learned in my first book, "Good to Grow".  

While still very passionate about food/body issues, I've surprisingly ended up serving in a quite unexpected area for the past few years. 

Around 2018 the Lord stirred in my husband's heart a desire to serve men recovering from addiction in a ministry called His Way, and about a year later I also started teaching ladies in substance-abuse recovery about Jesus. Despite feeling 100% ill-equipped, the Lord has been providing every step of the way and hasn't stopped.

Through walking with others struggling with their bodies, food, or even substance abuse, I've realized that most of our needs are the same.

We're all battling for freedom...and peace.

And we're all a little (or a lot) tired. Especially with conflicting messages from the world like:

 "Do more!" ... "Rest more!"

 "Eat this, eat clean, eat protein!" ...  "Eat what you want!"

"Look like her!" .... "Love yourself!"

"Saved by grace" .... "Are you doing enough?!"

"Live sober" ... "Just a lil won't hurt!"

It's no wonder that physical and spiritual wellness can make anyone anxious, obsessed, or even DONE! 

I want a better way. Don't you?

Are you tired of a world focused on skinny? Does your body feel like a frustrating burden more than a joyful gift?
In this book, I share my journey and research on Intuitive Eating coupled with what God has been teaching me. 

I pray this book can help you live a life of 

less shame and more joy

Less obsession and more peace. 

Less discontent and more love.

Life is too short to shrink back. Let's GROW!

On the podcast, I share chapters from my book plus chats with special guests. On the podcast I'll be discussing:

  • my personal journey with food and body issues
  • ways to identify the fears, lies, and distractions keeping you from living life to its fullest
  • how God can help you grow through your struggles

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Podbean.

For summaries and a list of episodes, click here.

Want to workout and get some worship in?! Come on!

Types of workouts include:

  • Dance
  • Drumstick
  • Strength
  • Yoga

Do you ever feel impatient with your body? It's understandable! Our bodies are certainly not perfect. Due to weight struggles, pain or disease, our bodies can be trying! In this study, learn how God can help you grow more patient with your body.

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In a world focused on skinny, it's time to think BIGGER.